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Visualize "the telephone book of the United Nations". Whether or not there is such a book is not important. What is important is to imagine all of the organizations and all of the nations of earth that might be referenced in there.
Now visualize a compendium of all such U.N. telephone books issued over the history of the United Nations from its inception down to as far as it runs and including whatever it evolves into. Furthermore, imagine that all "members" of the United Nations have this compendium at their disposal and are able to call any number in it - past or future - and plan actions with whomever they reach at that number.
Now allow in your imagination any number of parallel universes with their variants on the United Nations and make that telephone book a supercompendium of all.
Given all of that, how could you simplify it into a simple schema?
Dear reader, I cannot give you the answers to all of those questions. Truly, no one can, because you would not know whether to believe what they say. Unless you accept them for authority - and as long as you do that, there is no hope for you to grow.
So you must do your own research and test everything within yourself. (But you already knew that.)
You might begin by testing within yourself the following statement:
All those entities in the supercompendium of which I spoke have their levels of action, their levels of consciousness, and their levels of higher being that grasp the entire game and, in playing, fulfill even a higher, vaster role.
The answer is that every consciousness creates the entire universe. How can this happen without generating conflicts? Because consciousness is a collapsing of the state vector in a quantum mechanical event - and as such, takes zero time. The reverse is true: every quantum event is conscious. Taking no time whatsoever, there is enough room for each event to be the only one in the universe. Every quantum event generates the universe out of the state vector.
Your life is a threading of all the quantum events that are yours.
This makes you a creator - at least on the plane of our conscious lives. Now you can experience yourself as the creator of all within your purview - and as an actor in everyone else's dream.
Now visualize a compendium of all such U.N. telephone books issued over the history of the United Nations from its inception down to as far as it runs and including whatever it evolves into. Furthermore, imagine that all "members" of the United Nations have this compendium at their disposal and are able to call any number in it - past or future - and plan actions with whomever they reach at that number.
Now allow in your imagination any number of parallel universes with their variants on the United Nations and make that telephone book a supercompendium of all.
Given all of that, how could you simplify it into a simple schema?
Dear reader, I cannot give you the answers to all of those questions. Truly, no one can, because you would not know whether to believe what they say. Unless you accept them for authority - and as long as you do that, there is no hope for you to grow.
So you must do your own research and test everything within yourself. (But you already knew that.)
You might begin by testing within yourself the following statement:
All those entities in the supercompendium of which I spoke have their levels of action, their levels of consciousness, and their levels of higher being that grasp the entire game and, in playing, fulfill even a higher, vaster role.
The answer is that every consciousness creates the entire universe. How can this happen without generating conflicts? Because consciousness is a collapsing of the state vector in a quantum mechanical event - and as such, takes zero time. The reverse is true: every quantum event is conscious. Taking no time whatsoever, there is enough room for each event to be the only one in the universe. Every quantum event generates the universe out of the state vector.
Your life is a threading of all the quantum events that are yours.
This makes you a creator - at least on the plane of our conscious lives. Now you can experience yourself as the creator of all within your purview - and as an actor in everyone else's dream.
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