messenger live 8.1
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Messenger 8.1 kan nu hentes i en beta version.
af nye ting er der:
* Redesigned, smarter contact cards give you more data about and easier access to your friends
* Your display name, status and personal expressions roam with you to any computer
* Two free calls to virtually any phone in the world*
Also, we've made some behind-the-scenes changes to make your Windows Live Messenger experience better than ever. You may not see the upgrades to our underlying platforms, but you'll notice the improvements to our server performance, automatic updates, and sign-in process. All the stuff you had before will still be there, but now, it'll be even better.
*With Verizon Web Calling, you can make two three-minute phone calls to virtually any landline or cell phone worldwide during this beta. Offer not valid for existing Verizon Web Calling customers.
af nye ting er der:
* Redesigned, smarter contact cards give you more data about and easier access to your friends
* Your display name, status and personal expressions roam with you to any computer
* Two free calls to virtually any phone in the world*
Also, we've made some behind-the-scenes changes to make your Windows Live Messenger experience better than ever. You may not see the upgrades to our underlying platforms, but you'll notice the improvements to our server performance, automatic updates, and sign-in process. All the stuff you had before will still be there, but now, it'll be even better.
*With Verizon Web Calling, you can make two three-minute phone calls to virtually any landline or cell phone worldwide during this beta. Offer not valid for existing Verizon Web Calling customers.
syntes nu tit at min msn skal genstartes pga updates... men kan da godt være at det er fordi at jeg normalt ikke lægger mærke til det...
Fandt lige det her, en komplet liste over ændringer, hvis nogle skulle have lyst til at se nærmere på det.
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