

Meta platformen ophæver politikken mod COVID-19 misinformation

- Via Gadgets 360 -

Meta Platforms har fredag meddelt, at deres politik, der blev indført for at begrænse spredningen af COVID-19 misinformation på Facebook og Instagram, ikke længere ville være i kraft – globalt.

Dette kommer efter, at sociale medieplatforme som Facebook og Twitter kom under et enormt pres for at tackle misinformation relateret til pandemien, herunder falske påstande om vacciner.

Tidligere i 2021 fjernede Facebook 1,3 milliarder falske konti og 12 millioner stykker indhold om COVID-19 og vacciner.

Twitter rullede også deres COVID-19 misinformationspolitik tilbage tidligere i november.

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Gravatar #1 - nwinther
20. jun. 2023 11:33
Det var vel ikke så meget falske påstande, som det var modstand mod den vedtagne narrativ, det omhandlede?
Gravatar #2 - Claus Jørgensen
20. jun. 2023 11:50

lol antivaxxer med sølvpapirshat
Gravatar #3 - nwinther
21. jun. 2023 05:00

lol idiot som ikke aner hvad han taler om.
Gravatar #4 - Claus Jørgensen
21. jun. 2023 10:59

Siger ham som er bange for en vaccine. Pas nu på du ikke glemmer din sølvpapirshat næste gang du træd ud af dit faradaybur :p
Gravatar #5 - dugfrisk
21. jun. 2023 15:01
Claus Jørgensen (4) skrev:

Siger ham som er bange for en vaccine. Pas nu på du ikke glemmer din sølvpapirshat næste gang du træd ud af dit faradaybur :p

hvad med zika facebook vaccinen?
Gravatar #6 - arne_v
22. jun. 2023 00:37
Måske er det relevant at se hvad Facebook har fjernet indtil nu. Ja - de har faktisk en detaljeret liste over hvad de fjerner/fjernede.


Under our Community Standards, we remove misinformation during public health emergencies when public health authorities conclude that the information is false and likely to directly contribute to the risk of imminent physical harm, including by contributing to the risk of individuals getting or spreading a harmful disease or refusing an associated vaccine. Since COVID-19 was declared a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC) in January 2020, we have applied this policy to content containing claims related to COVID-19 that, according to public health authorities, are (a) false, and (b) likely to contribute to imminent physical harm (of imminent physical harm examples include: increasing the likelihood of exposure to or transmission of the virus, or having adverse effects on the public health system’s ability to cope with the pandemic). The goal of this policy is to reduce health harm to people, while also allowing people to discuss, debate and share their opinions, personal experiences, science, and news related to the COVID-19 pandemic. More specifically, we remove false information about:

The existence or severity of COVID-19. Acknowledging the existence and understanding the severity of COVID-19 is foundational to keeping people safe and aware of the dangers of this public health emergency. We remove claims that deny the existence of the disease or undermine the severity of COVID-19. This includes:
Claims that deny the existence of the COVID-19 disease or pandemic (however, we allow discussion or debate regarding whether the COVID-19 pandemic is transitioning to a less severe state, such as an endemic disease)
Claims that downplay the severity of COVID-19, such as:
In the context of discouraging vaccination or questioning the efficacy of vaccines, claims that COVID-19 is no more dangerous to people than the common flu or cold.
Claims that no one has died from COVID-19
Claims that getting a flu shot or flu vaccine is more likely to kill you than COVID-19
Claims that the number of COVID-19 caused deaths are much lower than the official figure (requires additional information and/or context)
Claims about the cause of COVID-19 that are linked to 5G communication technologies, such as:
Claims that COVID-19 social distancing orders are really just a way to install 5G wireless communication technology infrastructure
Claims that the symptoms of COVID-19 are actually the effect of 5G communication technologies
Ex: “No one has died from COVID-19,” “Social distancing orders are really just a way to install 5G infrastructure,” “COVID-19 is not real!”
COVID-19 transmission and immunity: Understanding how COVID-19 is transmitted and who can be infected is a critical component of protecting people from getting or spreading the virus. Public health authorities state that COVID-19 can be transmitted in any location and primarily from person to person through small droplets from the nose or mouth, which are expelled when a person with COVID-19 coughs, sneezes or speaks. Public health authorities also agree that all people, regardless of age or other unique characteristics, can be infected with and spread COVID-19. We remove false claims about how and where COVID-19 can be transmitted and who can be infected. This includes:
Claims that any group is immune or cannot die from COVID-19 or that a specific activity or treatment results in immunity
Claims that COVID-19 cannot be transmitted through the air, in certain climates, weather conditions, or locations
Claims that COVID-19 can be transmitted from anything other than human-to-human transmission, such as:
Claims that COVID-19 is the cause of or transmitted by 5G technologies
Claims that COVID-19 is transmitted by the flu shot or flu vaccine, or that getting the flu vaccine or shot makes people more susceptible/likely to get COVID-19
Claims that COVID-19 is transmitted by house flies or mosquitoes
Ex: “Elderly people are immune from COVID-19,” “COVID-19 cannot be transmitted in tropical climates,” “the COVID-19 vaccine causes COVID-19!”
Guaranteed cures or prevention methods for COVID-19: Public health authorities, such as the WHO, say there is currently nothing that can guarantee recovery or guarantee the average person will not get COVID-19. We have also heard from public health authorities that if people thought there was a guaranteed cure or prevention for COVID-19, they might take incorrect safety measures, ignore appropriate health guidance, or even attempt harmful self-medication. This is why we don’t allow false claims about how to cure or prevent COVID-19. This includes:
Claims that for the average person, something can guarantee prevention from getting COVID-19 or can guarantee recovery from COVID-19 before such a cure or prevention has been approved, including:
Consuming or inhaling specific items
Medical or herbal remedies
External remedies for the outer body or skin
Ex: “Take Vitamin C - it cures COVID-19,” “If you take this herbal remedy, you will not get COVID-19,” “This topical cream will prevent you from contracting coronavirus.”
Discouraging good health practices: There are a number of good health practices public health authorities advise people take to protect themselves from getting or spreading COVID-19. This includes wearing a face mask, social distancing, getting tested for COVID-19 and, more recently, getting vaccinated against COVID-19. Public health authorities have issued full approval and emergency use authorization for several COVID-19 vaccines, so in addition to false claims about face masks, social distancing and testing, we do not allow false claims about the vaccines or vaccination programs which public health experts have advised us could lead to COVID-19 vaccine rejection. This includes false claims about the safety, efficacy, ingredients, development, existence, or conspiracies related to the vaccine or vaccination program. As more information becomes available about COVID-19 vaccines, we will continue to iterate on how we apply this policy. This includes:
Claims about wearing a face mask, including:
Claims that wearing a face mask properly does not help prevent the spread of COVID-19
Claims that face masks include or are connected to 5G technology or that face masks contain harmful nano worms or harmful particles
Claims that wearing a face mask can make the wearer physically ill
Claims that health authorities do not recommend that healthy people wear masks where this is not the current public health guidance (requires additional information and/or context).
Claims that social/physical distancing does not help prevent the spread of COVID-19
Claims that can discourage someone from getting a government approved COVID-19 test, including:
Claims that COVID-19 can be successfully tested without an approved test
Claims that COVID-19 tests actually come pre-infected or can infect you with COVID-19
Claims that COVID-19 tests approved by public health authorities cannot detect COVID-19 or that PCR tests cannot distinguish between COVID and the flu
Claims that COVID-19 tests cause cancer
Claims that COVID-19 tests contain harmful nano-particles or nano-worms
Claims that COVID-19 tests are being used to harvest people’s DNA
Claims about COVID-19 vaccines that contribute to vaccine rejection, including:
Claims about the availability or existence of COVID-19 vaccines, specifically:
Claims that COVID-19 vaccines do not exist or have not been approved
Claims that there are no Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved COVID-19 vaccines or that the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine or Moderna vaccine has not received full FDA approval (does not apply to claims about the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine for children aged 6 months to 15 years, or the Moderna vaccine for children aged 6 months through 17 years, which are under emergency use authorization)
Claims that COVID-19 vaccines are not approved by the FDA if that content also suggests the vaccines are unsafe, ineffective at preventing severe illness or death, experimental, or have not been appropriately tested. Otherwise, we will allow claims that the FDA has not approved a COVID-19 vaccine, other than the Pfizer/BioNTech or Moderna vaccine, or make a clear distinction between a full FDA approval and an Emergency Use Authorization with appropriate context such as distinguishing between different types of COVID vaccines.
Claims that something other than a COVID-19 vaccine can vaccinate you against COVID-19
Claims that COVID-19 vaccines are experimental, if the context of the claim also suggests that vaccinated people are taking part in a medical experiment.
Claims about the safety or serious side effects of COVID-19 vaccines, including:
Claims that COVID-19 vaccines kill or seriously harm people, which we define as leading to any of the following harmful side effects:
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)
Multiple sclerosis
COVID-19 or a new COVID-19 strain
Infertility or sterilization
Birth defects
Altering DNA
Blood clots (except in relation to specific vaccines for which public health authorities have found possible links or are officially investigating such reports)
Neurodegenerative diseases (e.g. Alzheimer’s, Ataxia, Huntington’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, Motor neuron disease, Multiple system atrophy, and Progressive supranuclear palsy)
Prion's disease
Bell’s palsy
Erectile dysfunctions
Autoimmune diseases
Antibody-dependent enhancement
Weakened immune system
Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) or human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)
Heart attacks (does not apply to claims of myocarditis or other heart conditions)
Multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C)
Vulvar aphthous ulcers
Encephalitis (e.g. Japanese encephalitis)
Ramsay Hunt Syndrome
Other side-effects which are impossible or irrational, such as taking the vaccine turns you into a monkey (requires additional information and/or context), or gives you "vaccine acquired immune deficiency syndrome," which is not recognized as a disease or condition.
Claims that the spike proteins created by the COVID-19 vaccines are dangerous / cytotoxic.
Claims that building immunity by getting COVID-19 is safer than getting the vaccine
Claims that COVID-19 vaccines are unsafe generally, or for a certain specific group of people, if that group is identified based on protected characteristics or other identifiers not directly related to their personal health, age, or disabilities (e.g. social status, religion, or political views), or that vaccines are unsafe for menstruating women.
Claims that being near vaccinated people causes adverse effects on unvaccinated people
Claims that breast milk from vaccinated people is harmful to babies/children
Claims about the efficacy of COVID-19 vaccines, including:
Claims that COVID-19 vaccines are not effective in preventing severe illness or death from COVID-19 (see Common Questions below for how we define the term “effective”)
Claims that people who are vaccinated are more at risk for getting sick with COVID than people who are unvaccinated
Claims about how the COVID-19 vaccine was developed or its ingredients, including:
Claims that COVID-19 vaccines contain toxic, prohibited, or harmful ingredients, microchips, animal products, or anything not on the vaccine ingredient list
Claims that COVID-19 vaccines are untested
Claims that COVID-19 vaccines contain the mark of the beast
Claims that people died as a result of the COVID-19 Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine during clinical trials (Note - We allow claims that people died during the COVID-19 Pfizer/BioNTech clinical trials) (requires additional information and/or context).
Claims that COVID-19 vaccines contain, or were developed, produced or designed from/with human tissue from aborted fetuses / aborted fetal tissue.
Claims involving conspiracy theories about a COVID-19 vaccine or vaccination program, including:
Claims that the COVID-19 vaccines are intended for population control for non-public health purposes
Claims that specific populations are being used or targeted in order to test the true safety or efficacy of a COVID-19 vaccine
Claims that vaccines are the reason behind the emergence of COVID variants
Examples of claims that violate the above-listed policies include: “Wearing a face mask doesn’t help prevent the spread of COVID,” “Social distancing does nothing to reduce COVID in the community,” “COVID tests come pre-infected with the disease,” “the COVID vaccine will kill you,” “the COVID vaccine contains a microchip,” “the COVID vaccine causes autism!”, “Did you get the COVID vax? Don’t worry, there’s a way to detox.”
Access to essential health services: Public health infrastructure is at the core of the global fight to combat COVID-19. According to the WHO and other public health authorities, previous outbreaks of infectious diseases have shown that disruption to essential services can be more deadly than the outbreak itself, and ensuring access to essential services is the cornerstone of an effective health response. Adverse effects on the public health system’s ability to cope with the pandemic can have a direct impact on helping people stay healthy and safe in this health emergency. We remove content that can contribute to physical harm by inaccurately representing the access to or availability of public health infrastructure. When we have additional information and/or context to identify it, we also prohibit:
Claims that misrepresent the access, availability, or eligibility of health services, such as hospitals, emergency responders, ambulance response, treatments, vaccines.
Claims that hospitals or a specific hospital is closed and will not permit infected people.
Claims that only certain people are allowed to receive medical care for COVID-19.
Claims that hospitals kill patients in order to inflate the number of COVID-19 deaths, to get more money, or in order to sell people’s organs
Ex: “Hospitals kill patients to increase their COVID numbers and get more money!”
We remove content that repeats other false health information, primarily about vaccines, that are widely debunked by leading health organizations such as the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The goal of this policy is to combat misinformation about vaccinations and diseases, which if believed directly contribute to imminent vaccine refusals. The claims we have applied this to include:
Vaccines cause autism
Ex: “Increased vaccinations are why so many kids have autism these days.”
Vaccines cause Sudden Infant Death Syndrome
Ex: “Don’t you know vaccines cause SIDS?”
Vaccines cause the disease against which they are meant to protect, or cause the person to be more likely to get the disease
Ex: “Taking a vaccine actually makes you more likely to get the disease since there’s a strain of the disease inside. Beware!”
Vaccines or their ingredients are deadly, toxic, poisonous, harmful, or dangerous
Ex: “Sure, you can take vaccines, if you don’t mind putting poison in your body.”
Natural immunity is safer than vaccine acquired immunity
Ex: “It’s safest to just get the disease rather than the vaccine.”
It is dangerous to get several vaccines in a short period of time, even if that timing is medically recommended
Ex: “Never take more than one vaccine at the same time, that is dangerous - I don’t care what your doctor tells you!”
Vaccines are not effective to prevent the disease against which they purport to protect. However, for the COVID-19, flu, and malaria vaccines, we do not remove claims that those vaccines are not effective in preventing someone from contracting those viruses (see Common Questions below for more detail on how we define effectiveness for the COVID-19 vaccines).
Remove: “The polio vaccine doesn’t do anything to stop you from getting the disease.”
Remove: “Vaccines actually don’t do anything to stop you from getting diseases.”
Allow: “The vaccine doesn’t stop you from getting COVID-19, that’s why you still need to socially distance and wear a mask when you’re around others.”
Acquiring measles cannot cause death (requires additional information and/or context)
Ex: “Don’t worry about whether you get measles, it can’t be fatal”
Vitamin C is as effective as vaccines in preventing diseases for which vaccines exist.
Pages, Groups, profiles, and Instagram accounts that repeatedly post misinformation or coordinate harm (see Coordinating Harm policies at the top of this entry) related to COVID-19, vaccines, and health may face restrictions, including (but not limited to) reduced distribution, removal from recommendations, or removal from our site.
Gravatar #7 - nwinther
22. jun. 2023 05:41
Claus Jørgensen (4) skrev:

Siger ham som er bange for en vaccine. Pas nu på du ikke glemmer din sølvpapirshat næste gang du træd ud af dit faradaybur :p

lol, siger idioten, som ikke ved, hvad han taler om.

Bevis: Jeg er vaccineret 3 gange. Derfor kan jeg sagtens være kritisk ift. covid-indsatsen og det narrativ, der blev bygget op.

#6 - fin liste. Men den siger reelt intet om, hvordan FB agerede. Blot en oplistning, af noget af det, som kunne blive fjernet.
Selv mildt skeptiske opslag, forsøg på nuancering osv. blev fjernet og folk blev bannet galore, tilsyneladende fordi de påpegede åbenlyse sandheder, eller stillede sig skeptisk overfor f.eks. vaccination af småbørn, eller fordi de stillede spørgsmålstegn ved eventuelle bivirkninger.
Nogle bans virkede vilkårlige og ikke med baggrund i noget på listen.

Sundhedsmyndighederne i Danmark og i udlandet var langt fra enige om "videnskaben", og skiftede da også mening selv. Eksempelvis omkring vaccination af børn, som jo ikke var i målgruppen (hvilket man kunne blive bannet, for at påpege). Og så kan man jo spørge, hvorfor sundhedsmyndighederne ikke anbefaler massevaccination af børn (længere), og lidt afhængig af, hvordan samtalen har udviklet sig, kan svaret fra fagpersonen godt være noget i retning af "risikoen for bivirkninger er større, end gevinsten ved vaccinationen".

Kigger man på de rent danske forhold, hjælper det ikke meget, at det kom frem, at chefvirolog og IT-sikkerhedsekspert Barbara Bertelsen havde banket sundhedsstyrelsen på plads ift. en nedlukning, som de faktisk ikke anbefalede, og som de nok heller ikke ville anbefale i dag.

Den slags synes jeg da er mega mærkeligt, og det har ikke ret meget med vacciner eller covid at gøre (og så alligevel, i denne kontekts), men mere hvordan statsapparatet/myndighederne fungerer i samspil - noget med magtstrukturer, og hvor man ikke skal være særlig ekstrem, for at få en opfattelse af, at nogen inde på Slotsholmen er på et powertrip og at systemet - herunder befolkningen - bare har at makke ret.
Når FB så går ud og håndhæver et regelsæt som passer ind i hele denne mistanke, så er det vel ikke så underligt, at der opstår endnu mere skepsis ift. myndighederne NWO, BB, WEF og hvem vi ellers har. Illuminati? Og at alle crazies bliver HELT sikre på, at der er mikrochips i vaccinen og vi bliver styret af 5G.

FB's politik ville alt andet lige have stået stærkere, hvis der ikke var så mange "huller" i narrativ?
Gravatar #8 - nKKE
22. jun. 2023 06:13
#4 Aah, ja.. Det var nok derfor flere lande stoppede med at vaccinere mænd mellem 18 og 40, da data viste at vaccinen gav større chance for hjertehindebetændelse og hjertemuskelbetændelse end sygdommen gjorde.
Gravatar #9 - LasssseK1981
22. jun. 2023 07:55
Claus Jørgensen (2) skrev:

lol antivaxxer med sølvpapirshat

Blev simpelthen nød til at svare på denne besked! Du er da ikke for klog hva? I en tid med en tillid til mainstream media som er i ALL TIME LOW, og en tid hvor tilliden til offentlige instanser er i ALL TIME LOW og dem som følger med ved der foregår mange skumle ting bag kulissen med verdens regeringen så kan du finde på at slynge noget så lavt ud som sølvpapirs hat? Det beviser du slet ikke følger med i hvad der foregår udover TV2 og EB.dk... sikke en latterlig kommentar at komme med!

Jeg er IKKE vaccineret heldigvis og det bliver over mit lig at jeg gør det! Har haft Covid et par gange "verdens farligste sygdom" endda med dårligt hjerte (dvs jeg var i højeste risikogruppe) fordi jeg fra dag 1 af vidste af det officielle narrativ var BS! Svarede til en forkølelse begge gange. Der foregår nogle ting her for tiden på et MEGET højere plan end du åbenbart kan forestille dig.. Kender du World Economic Forum osv? Det handler om magt, penge og lydighed- intet andet! Du er sikkert også sådan en "PRO Ukraine" uden at stille spørgsmål ikke? Der er data der bliver holdt skjult med så mange bi virkninger og fatale sygdomme over hele verden med de vacciner- så der er en HELT legit grund til ikke at ønske det lort sprøjtet i sig hvis man føler sig rask og sund! og SLET ikke på tvangs niveau som de også har ønsket over hele verden.

Men kald du bare os sølvpapirs hatte og konspirations teoretikere.. så kalder vi dig ualmindelig naiv og dum. Utrolig kortfattet og barnlig måde at reagere på ¤1 OP´s kommentar.

Gravatar #10 - dugfrisk
22. jun. 2023 09:00
Claus Jørgensen (2) skrev:

lol antivaxxer med sølvpapirshat

hvilken sølvpapir?

Gravatar #11 - Claus Jørgensen
22. jun. 2023 14:06

Jeg har en bro at sælge dig, og broen kommer endda med 1 stk. sølvpapirshat, total deal

Gravatar #12 - Claus Jørgensen
22. jun. 2023 14:07
nwinther (7) skrev:
Og at alle crazies bliver HELT sikre på, at der er mikrochips i vaccinen og vi bliver styret af 5G.
Snakker du om dig selv, dugfrisk og Lasse nu?
Gravatar #13 - dugfrisk
22. jun. 2023 19:19
Claus Jørgensen (12) skrev:
nwinther (7) skrev:
Og at alle crazies bliver HELT sikre på, at der er mikrochips i vaccinen og vi bliver styret af 5G.
Snakker du om dig selv, dugfrisk og Lasse nu?

Gravatar #14 - nKKE
24. jun. 2023 11:23
Claus Jørgensen (12) skrev:
nwinther (7) skrev:
Og at alle crazies bliver HELT sikre på, at der er mikrochips i vaccinen og vi bliver styret af 5G.
Snakker du om dig selv, dugfrisk og Lasse nu?


Men hvorfor skulle man dog stille spørgsmålstegn ved en vavccine, som Pfizer i første omgang sørgede for de ikke kunne sagsøges for.
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