Torrent: Distributed copies
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Hvordan er det helt præcis det med distributed copies hænger sammen? På nedenstående screenshot er der 2 seeds, altså 2 personer der har 100% af filen, men alligvel er der kun 0.822 distributed copies.
Jeg fandt denne forklaring på nettet, men jeg synes ikke helt den passer med mit screenshot. Eller hvad er det jeg har misforstået?
In some versions of the client, you will see the text "Connected to n seeds; also seeing n.nnn distributed copies." A seed is a machine with the complete file. However, the swarm can collectively have a complete copy (or copies) of the file, and that is what this is telling you. Referring again to the "people at a table" analogy (see (Xref) What is BitTorrent?), consider the case where the book has 10 pages, and person A has pp.1-5 and B has pp.6-10. Collectively, A and B have a complete copy of the book, even though no one person has the whole thing. In other words, even if there are no seeds, as long as there is at least one distributed copy of the file everyone can eventually get a complete file.
Jeg fandt denne forklaring på nettet, men jeg synes ikke helt den passer med mit screenshot. Eller hvad er det jeg har misforstået?
In some versions of the client, you will see the text "Connected to n seeds; also seeing n.nnn distributed copies." A seed is a machine with the complete file. However, the swarm can collectively have a complete copy (or copies) of the file, and that is what this is telling you. Referring again to the "people at a table" analogy (see (Xref) What is BitTorrent?), consider the case where the book has 10 pages, and person A has pp.1-5 and B has pp.6-10. Collectively, A and B have a complete copy of the book, even though no one person has the whole thing. In other words, even if there are no seeds, as long as there is at least one distributed copy of the file everyone can eventually get a complete file.
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