
APG and p2p

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Gravatar #1 - schizo
29. mar. 2004 13:24
Is it advisable to use p2p software like eMule to download off the internet here in denmark?
Everyone seems to have an opinion on this matter but all I´m asking for are the facts. Does this so called APG do anything to normal users who don´t distribute material. All the articles i´ve found on this group have been about how they sue companies, kollegies and people who either sold or shared thousands of illegal files.
If someone could explain how this all works and give me concrete examples I´d appreciate it.
Gravatar #2 - GroWL
8. jun. 2004 21:45
Use p2p all you like, I use emule.

APG, stands for Anti Piracy Group. They are after people who share or download illegal content over the internet.

The potential dangers:
First danger.
APG supposedly has users on the p2p networks uploading and downloading illegal content. Whenever a download or upload has completed, they trace your ip, and they drag you to court.

Second danger.
APG visit public netparties, perform razzias and drag whoever had illegal content on their mashine to court.

To avoid APG either:

don't share anything with someone you don't know, don't download anything from someone you don't know, don't go to public netparties

don't do anything illegal.
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